Amsterdam: An 8th Grade Adventure

It is a tradition in Waldorf Education for the 8th grade to embark on an extended trip toward  the end of the school year, close to graduation. It is both a right of passage and an opportunity  for the students and their teacher, many who have been together for 8 years, to explore the  world and bond even further with each other through unique experiences and new  surroundings. Our class recently returned from such a trip that included art, history, medieval  architecture, canals, biking, multicultural experiences and service. Where did we go?  Amsterdam! 

Why Amsterdam? After speculating on other possibilities, we came across an organization called CAS trips based in Prague. CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, and Service. As we  explored the itinerary, we knew right away it was meant for us. The trip included everything we  were looking for- all inclusive including meals, lodging at a wonderful hostel, entry tickets, a  dedicated daily guide ( who we all absolutely loved) and opportunities for service.  

Day one was a walking tour of the city focusing on aspects of history and architecture followed  by a fantastic Indonesian dinner. Then back to the hostel for a much needed sleep after a long  flight. As a side note the hostel was quite lovely with people from many different countries and cultures staying there. Each morning found us feasting on a delicious breakfast and listening to  the flow of conversations in many languages. 

Day two was a bike ride into the country along a canal featuring the iconic windmills we  associate with Holland followed by our first service activity. At a somewhat rundown but funky cool building we met with pioneering NGO students to learn about food waste and prepare a  community meal out of salvaged, perfectly good veggies meant for the dumpster due to a few  bruises. The entire experience was eye opening. We worked with wonderful young people in a  huge kitchen chop, chopping away while a certified chef created a feast. Once the doors  opened a flood of eclectic people poured in and we all ate enjoyed the meal in a vibe of  togetherness. 

Day three found us on a coach to Rotterdam to visit the world famous Storm Barrier, a true feat  of human engineering. Then a walking tour of nearly destroyed Rotterdam during WWII showed us how the rebuilt city focuses on sustainable development and design. 

The morning of day four was a visit to the famous Rijksmuseum, a short walk from our hostel,  to view the art of Rembrandt, Van Gogh and other famous artists. Then we participated in a  sustainable fashion experience by shopping for second hand clothing at an outdoor market.  Each group put together an outfit showcasing the ideas of “ reduce, reuse, recycle “ followed  by a fashion show back at the hostel. Fun!!! 

Day five was probably my personal favorite, although it is hard to choose. We met up with an  organization that fishes trash and plastic out of the canal and transforms the salvage plastic  into electric boats. It was lovely to be out floating on the water and doing something helpful. A  highlight was a pass by the home of Anne Frank, whose tragic life had been studied back at  school. 

Our final days were filled with interviewing local people about the challenges and successes of  the city and creating a sustainable idea for improvement based on our findings. Last, but not  least, was a trip across the harbor to a museum dedicated to street art- The Straat Museum.  From a local artist, we learned street art techniques and then created our school logo on a  railroad car. It was a true work of collaboration and the result was stunning.

And there it is, our amazing 8th grade trip! I didn’t even mention the delicious meals, the  beauty of the city, Vondel Park which was right outside our hostel doors, the cool people of so  many different nationalities, the comraderie. 

Thank you to our community who helped get us there! Through intensive fundraising and  support we went on the best trip ever. Thanks to our community for participating in our  pumpkin sale, cider and caramel apple sales, chocolate and Butterbraid sales, weekly bagels,  yogurt parfaits, popcorn, spaghetti lunches and our famous baked potato bar. Not to mention the Talent Show! We couldn’t have done it without you!! 


Elizabeth Gantner