Parent-Child Offerings
Ages 18 months-3 years
The Parent-Child Program is a time for parents and children to come together in a nurturing, home-like setting for a shortened experience that echoes the rhythms and atmosphere of a Waldorf early childhood classroom. This class provides a gentle social experience for children while offering parents the space to consider important parenting issues such as sleep, nutrition, discipline, media exposure, family traditions, the role of play in early childhood, changes in education, and schooling options available today. Parents often create life-long friendships as they journey together, sharing the wonder and magic of their children’s early years.
Parents will accompany their children in circle and story time, creating simple crafts, playing games, and enjoying physical movement. These sessions will be indoor/outdoor. Rain gear will be needed for outdoor playtime depending on the weather. Siblings younger than 18 months old are welcome to participate in class at no additional fee.
If you are interested in our Parent-Child program and Fridays don’t work for your schedule, please let us know by emailing or text Veronica McClellan at 630-454-1114.
5 - week session: February 21-March 28
Fridays from 9:30-11:30 AM
*Sessions will not run March 7th due to Faculty in-service.
This session will be indoor/outdoor. Rain gear will be needed for outdoor playtime depending on the weather.