Our Kindercamp is designed to model our curriculum. Our teacher designs a rhythm for the week with the child’s developmental needs in mind. In addition to having a Waldorf educational experience where their mind, body, and spirit are being considered, children participating in this camp have beautiful learning experiences through: lively nature stories and puppet play, singing, movement, circle games, handwork, painting, drawing, modeling, gardening, imaginative play, and nature walks. Camp is filled with fun, learning and magic!
Don’t take our word for it. From the mouth of babes, we hear wonderful stories of adventures and the way they see the world. We ask them casually about their day and they bring us whimsical perspectives filled with wonder and awe.
Our Experience: During Kindercamp, Ms. D took the children on a nature walk to explore the forest and interact with all of the creatures that live in it. While they were out, they saw a beautiful frog that was very striking. In speaking with the students they shared their version of the experience.
Their Experience: “Today, we were walking through the forest, past the gnomes. The cicadas were singing so loud! When we got to the bubbling brook we were just looking around and all of the sudden, we saw a GOLDEN frog! I have NEVER seen a golden frog before and it was just sitting in the grass with the sun shining on it. I’ll remember that.”
Our Experience: Ms. D gave the children free time to play after using beeswax to sculpt snails- a very sweet project for them! They decided they were kings and queens.
Their Experience: My favorite thing today was playing King and Queen. We went swimming and played in a castle. It was A LOT of fun! I was a queen and I helped “my dear” king eat his dinner. We went swimming and played in a castle. I was a queen too and I went swimming in the freezing cold pond!
Our Experience:
We ended the week making fairies and fairy gardens! The girls were so sad it was the last day of camp and at the end of the day they were playing with their fairies at pick up.
Their Experience:
“Fairies only drink nectar from the flowers and other things. We thought of all the things fairies can eat! I cooked a delicious piece of bacon and brought it to the fairies! But fairies didn't like the bacon. So, I picked a yellow flower from the garden ‘Only one, Ms. D. please! It will be just enough for our little fairies’. My fairy ate the flower seeds, but it was the bacon that made her sick.
Our fairies were saying bye because camp was over. They said, ‘We can get together anytime! We can fly anywhere and we can visit the Waldorf garden again this summer!’”
It is simply magical to tap into the children's imagination. There is no end to their wonder within! We so love having the children show us how to find wonder in every day life. To be part of their story is nothing short of a privilege and we never take that for granted.
Until next time, dear children. We will miss you!